Issue Areas​

Low- and middle-income countries often lack the resources to provide their citizens with sufficient safety nets and social protection services to protect them from the devastating effects of external shocks especially in the face of climate change. In the absence of public programs to cover the array of risks facing most households at the bottom of the pyramid, inclusive insurance can fill a gap, mitigate risk and help them adapt to the changing ecosystem. Yet, inclusive insurance is not just about "small policies." It involves tailoring products and processes to the needs of this new market. EA Consultants provides advisory services to insurance companies and distribution channels to develop products and processes that ensure value to clients as well as to the business.
Examples of our work:
Supported the design, moderation and learning agenda for a Community of Practice of government representatives engaged in agricultural insurance initiatives in accelerating effective agricultural insurance models and institutionalizing them into national programmes through the IRFF Financial Resilience in Agriculture (FRA) Initiative.
Collaborated with Enabling Capital on the first Climate Resilience Enhanced Debt Product (CRED) deal with Chamreoun, a Cambodian Microfinance Institution to design a process and product that would respond to client needs in the aftermath of a climate disaster. The instrument targets Chamroeun’s agricultural lending portfolio of approximately 5,000 smallholders with protection against severe drought and flooding.
Collaborated with the InsureResilience Fund and Blue Orchard to support the development and distribution of climate insurance products in Paraguay, Peru, and Colombia.
Collaborated with Intuit and The Aspen Institute and conducted qualitative interviews with small business clients and non-clients of QuickBooks software following Hurricane Harvey in the Houston Area to provide business insights and recommendations for Intuit’s various business lines on engaging with clients post-disaster to develop disaster resilience.